July 28, 1962
Sing My Heart, choir with brass
O For a Thousand Tongues, choir, solo Ruth Crawford (2nd verse)
By and By, Quartet
There’s No Disappointment in Jesus, piano duet, Ruth Crawford & Clayton Erb
Swing Low Sweet Chariot, Ensemble with soloists Theron & Barbara Spurr
Look Ahead O Pioneer, Mixed Trio with brass
Wondrous Love, Ensemble, solo Barbara Spurr
Heaven is My Home Sweet Home, Donna Lee Crawford (12 yrs)
The Haven of Rest, Brass quartet
He is My Song (partial), solo Don Crawford w piano duet
In the Garden of Love, saxophone solo
Fairest Lord Jesus, Ensemble solo Ruth Crawford (2nd verse)
Home Sweet Home, Mixed quartet
Over the Sunset Mountains, organ solo Clayton Erb
Like a Wandering Sheep, vocal solo Ruth Crawford
Knocking, Quartet
Heaven Medley, choir with brass